Ilmoittelemme täällä kun taas on toimitusmahdollisuus johonkin tulevaan näyttelyyn !!!
toimitustavaksi valitse:
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(niin ei mene noita toimituskuluja)
Viestin kohdalle:
Kumpana päivänä haluat tuotteet.
Allround-Brush SOFT Green size 4,5 cm
Activet Diamond-Daily-Care brushes are an excellent toolfor daily coat care. The straight non-snagging bristles can be used to alleviate a possible fear of brushing in most animals by training them with these smooth bristles.
SINGLE HEAD BRUSH: Dogs 5 lbs to 40 lbs with dense, fluffy, silky coats with little or no undercoat, full coated small Terriers. Light and flexible, the brush-head is softer than the one on the FIRM brush.
Training brush integrated!
The variant in 4.5 cm is suitable for small to medium dog breeds and cats. For larger breeds, the 9 cm MEGA BRUSH variation of the ActiVet brush is recommended to speed up coat care.
– the original ActiVet –
System made in Germany since 1998